meet a misfit: Nezik Tahri

meet a misfit: Nezik Tahri

Who are you?

Nezik Tahri

What's your story?

I was born in Morocco, grew up in Casablanca. I am based in Toronto. I curate Moroccan travel experiences. Being from Morocco I am deeply connected and passionate about sharing my love of the country with my people to ensure they have the most authentic experience.

How does misfit play a part in your life?

From the very first day in 2017 when I set foot at the Misfitstudio on Queen street, I knew I found a special place. Since then, Misfit has been part of my life either through in person classes or now remotely, and hopefully in person again soon.

Why were you drawn to misfit?

I am drawn to the Misfit movement method. I love the movement, the words of wisdom, and the reflection that flows beautifully throughout each class. Misfit method is wholesome. Each class mindfully connects the physical body with the emotional body through well crafted words and movement.

How did misfit affect you physically? emotionally? Spiritually?

In a few words I find misfit movement to be HEALING physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Would you share a standout memory?

Going to the queen street studio to “Get Shifted” with Amber . Great class, great energy.

What is your favourite class or misfit method move?

Get lifted & Get Shifted.

What are you up to currently?

I started an initiative to support the Berber Women in Morocco especially right now when artisans and farmers in these regions are facing economic challenges. It is important that these women continue to work to keep their social and economic independence. I work directly with the Women's Cooperative to bring to Canada, and other parts of the world high quality fair-trade skin care Argan oil. A significant percentage of the proceeds support programs that benefit the Berber Women of Morocco, their families and community.

How can we keep up to date with your life adventures?

Through my IG: @moroccowithnezik

How can we support you?

You can support me by spreading the word about the "Morocco with Nezik" Argan oil initiative. By supporting this initiative, you are allowing the berber women to continue to work to keep their social and economic independence. Morocco With Nezik donates a significant percentage of its proceeds to support programs that benefit the Berber Women of Morocco, their families and community. Some of these programs are "Empowerment Workshops" aimed to strengthen women as rights holders by providing tools to advocate and act on their needs and goals; and "Planting Trees" in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco.